Monday, June 15, 2015

Hello Everyone!

 “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required…” [Luke 12:48]

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now I see. It’s amazing to witness the grace of God, yet alone experience it. I’ll be the first person to admit it. I was a wretch. My soul was lost and I was very-well blind. But through the grace of our Heavenly Father, I can now see.

Over the last year, I have grown tremendously in my faith, personal life, and professional career. Leaving college, I was still a broken individual. I was a lost sheep who wandered in a field with no direction. I was stubborn in believing I could do everything on my own will. I had no shepherd. I was very dissatisfied and I had become a very negative person. Everything changed when I accepted Jesus Christ back into my life. My values started to change. I became happier and I finally had direction in my life. As I continued to trust in the Lord more and more, His plans for me became clearer.

Trusting in the Lord has allowed me to utilize and grow upon the abilities He has given me. By taking on personal training, I have been able to teach one of my biggest passions in life, fitness. It has given me the chance to better someone else’s life by re-shaping and transforming themselves physically and mentally. It has been an encouraging challenge to help them reach their goals. Trusting in the Lord had also prepared my heart for a mission’s trip to Shanghai, China this past January. Traveling to Shanghai has opened up an entirely new perspective of the suffering and hardships that exist in Asia. Being able to visit a baby orphanage and seeing babies who were abandoned simply because of their deformities or disabilities was truly saddening. Being able to meet orphan and disabled woman from Gao Yao was very eye-opening. I was very encouraged to see how much they embraced each other despite learning about the hardships, neglect, and difficulties they faced as abandoned children growing up with limited opportunities. The Shanghai trip has shown me a greater problem that exists in this world and has allowed me to envision a greater purpose that God has in store for me.

Through the recent growth within my faith, professional life, and perspective, the Lord has prepared me with the passion, ambition, and heart to co-found ‘Renewal Cards’, a card company that strives to make social changes in the Shanghai, China community. Our company seeks to empower orphan and disabled individuals through workshops, mentorship, and employment opportunities of hand-crafted Chinese paper-cut cards. I believe God has led me in the direction to help fulfill spiritual, mental, physical, and employment needs of the lost, broken, and underprivileged community who have yet to be exposed of the love of Jesus Christ. By preparing me through personal training, I believe God has given me the ability to teach these orphan and disabled individuals about exercising, stretching, and basic workouts in which will improve their overall health mentally and physically. Disabilities have hindered these individuals from obtaining physically demanding jobs. By giving them opportunities of feasible employment like card making, we will be able to fulfill one of the great needs of their community. By teaching, supporting, and providing for these individuals, we will be able to show the love of Jesus Christ in China. 

As someone who is 23 years old, I believe that God will continue to open more doors for me. On behalf of Renewal Missions Inc. we seek to continue working with pastors, house churches, and orphanages in Shanghai, China. We are currently developing workshops in which will teach locals, Christians, and non-Christians about the need to mentor and provide for the orphan and disabled individuals in the Shanghai community. In June, we will be making a trip back to Shanghai, China. We will be working with the orphanage, house church, and we will be volunteering at a fitness camp to witness to the locals in Shanghai. We seek to create an long-term program in which will continue to benefit these individuals needs mentally, physically, professionally, and spiritually. We believe we will be able to spread God’s grace to those who are lost, blind and have yet to see.

In His Name,

Josh Kuey

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